Friday, May 11, 2012

We Bought A Zoo

We just watched a wonderful movie:  We Bought A Zoo.  It is sweet, funny, sad, and touching, and I think I will need to watch it again to let it all soak in.  It is based on the non-fiction book of the same title, but there are some differences between the real Mee family, and the movie Mee family.  The movie takes place in California, while the real family lives in England.  There are a few other things changed a bit for the screen, but the basic story of their lives is there.  I have not read the book, but I will, as soon as it is available in our local library.  Someone has it checked out right now, but I've reserved it, and can't wait to get my hands on it.  I have read enough about the Mees online to know that life has not been easy for them, but still, there are wonderful messages, and beauty, in the chronicle of this family's love, loss, and ultimate perseverance.

If you have not seen this movie, I highly recommend it.  I will let you know how I liked the book, when I've finished reading it.

1 comment:

  1. Per your recommendation, we rented the movie on Mother's Day. Then, I got the book. I am not done yet; but, so far the book is better, and not so sad.
